Не известно фактологическую Заявления о пин ап казино
Не известно фактологическую Заявления о пин ап казино
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After the issue had been forwarded to the Complaints Team, they had contacted the casino for further clarification. The player had finally been able to successfully withdraw his winnings in virtual currency. The casino had advised him to use the same method for future transactions. The Complaints Team had marked the issue as resolved.
The player has requested a tracking number multiple times but was ignored. The player later informed us that the money was at first rejected by the bank, but later on, he successfully received his winnings. Therefore, this complaint could be closed as resolved.
The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his winnings due to ongoing verification. It has been resolved.
The player from Germany has deposited money into casino account but the funds seem to be lost. Player’s complaint has been resolved successfully.
The player from Portugal faced repeated rejections for withdrawal requests over the past week despite having completed and accepted account verification.
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МарафонБет. Хорошая со всех сторон контора без особых жалоб.
Pino Casino has good bonus conditions and pays out too! But... makes it incredibly difficult to verify and against all reason they ask for a screenshot for every single deposit and that's not enough either, they also want the IBAN and also address etc which I don't get in the screenshot.
The player from Romania had submitted a withdrawal request less than two weeks before contacting us. Winnings hadn't перейти been obtained up to that day. The player had issues with the withdrawal of 2000 RON, which had been marked as paid but not received.
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PinoCasino has been subject to a thorough evaluation done by our expert casino review team. The team has analyzed its strengths and shortcomings in accordance with our casino review methodology.
The player confirmed that the casino had eventually paid out her winnings. However, she had expressed dissatisfaction with the casino's failure to adhere to their stated timelines. We marked the complaint as resolved.
We’re glad you feel satisfied with our service overall, but we are sorry to hear that you’re having difficulties with the verification.